Print method for simsum objects
# S3 method for simsum
print(x, ...)
x <- simsum(
data = MIsim, estvarname = "b", true = 0.5, se = "se",
methodvar = "method"
#> 'ref' method was not specified, CC set as the reference
#> Summary of a simulation study with a single estimand.
#> True value of the estimand: 0.5
#> Method variable: method
#> Unique methods: CC, MI_LOGT, MI_T
#> Reference method: CC
#> By factors: none
#> Monte Carlo standard errors were computed.
MIsim$true <- 0.5
x <- simsum(data = MIsim, estvarname = "b", true = "true", se = "se")
#> Summary of a simulation study with a single estimand.
#> True value of the estimand from column 'true'
#> Method variable: none
#> By factors: none
#> Monte Carlo standard errors were computed.